(614) 472-8021

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We know the hassle in dealing with wildlife in our property. From hearing nasty noises from the ceilings and roosting raccoons in the basement, we've experienced it all and we have enough of it! Now that our wildlife service has surpassed the 10-year mark, we have been providing great animal service for an affordable price. Our staff being veterans in the industry, they experience almost all in dealing with various wild animals. Being trained and undergone accreditations from many wildlife management groups, we are certain that we will bring you the best wildlife service to exceed our customer's expectations! Our team is not only well experienced, but they are also equipped with the top-of-the-line equipment getting the job done quickly and expertly. We do our services humanely and effectively to ensure that we deliver the most reliable service that our customers expect from us. Services that we provide are insulation removal and installation, animal removal, crawl space restoration, attic cleanup, wildlife control, and mole removal. Being faced with the same trouble as you might be experiencing, we love to assure you that we will do the best we can to restore your peace of mind. If you like to inquire about our services, please feel free to call us anytime and we will help you in getting the job done quickly.