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Getting an Animal Out of My Dryer or Vent Duct

There is a possibility for numerous animals to get into the dryer vents at home. If the dryer vents are not properly functioning, you will take a look at them. This is where you will notice that an animal has got into the dryer vent. In such a situation, you will come across the need to get the trapped animal out of it. Several methods are available for you to follow and get the trapped animal out from the dryer vent. Here is a list of some of the best methods out of them to follow. You can simply stick to these methods and make sure that you are ending up with the best possible results at all times.

  • Locate the duct 
As the very first step, you need to locate the duct. This is the place where the dryer vent will end. In most of the dryer vents, you will be able to find a short exhaust, which has a diameter of around 4 inches. You can see how this exhaust is connected to a dedicated ductwork, which resides inside the wall. You need to locate it and proceed with the job of getting rid of the animal who is trapped inside the dryer vent.
  • Disconnect the dryer 
Before you attempt to get the job done, you should make sure that you are safely disconnecting the dryer. This will assist you to reduce the possibility that you have to end up with being electrocuted. You will be able to keep the peace of mind while you proceed with the job as well.  The process that you have to follow in order to disconnect the dryer is something that you can do with ease. You need to first unplug the power cord of the machine from the wall outlet. Then you should remove all sorts of clamps or metal tape that you can find. 
  • Get the cleaning job done 
Once you disconnect the dryer, you will be able to get the cleaning job done. Along with that, you will be able to let the animal trapped inside the dryer vent free as well. If you want to catch the animal alive, you can think about using a humane animal trap. Then you will be able to set it free. This method is humane and you should always stick to it instead of killing the animal. You can find vent cleaning kits available in the market. If you can purchase such a vent cleaning kit, you need to go ahead and buy one. If not, you will be able to think about using a long rod connected to a dry mop to get the cleaning job done. These are all the steps that you should follow in order to remove the animal who is trapped inside the dryer vent. If you don't take proactive actions to remove the animals in these instances, you will have to deal with lots of damages. That's why you need to keep an eye on the changes to your dryer vent along with time and take appropriate actions accordingly. 

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